How wonderful! Librarything has a new feature, Unsuggester, which predicts the books least likely to be shared by readers of a title. To quote, "Unsuggester takes "people who like this also like that" and turns it on its head. It analyzes the seven million books LibraryThing members have recorded as owned or read, and comes back with books least likely to share a library with the book you suggest".
I tested it with Marx's Capital for which it un-suggested mostly trashy fiction, and Lady Chatterley's Lover, for which it gave a list largely made up of religious works.
Postscript: Tim on the Librarything blog has brought together many blog discussions on Unsuggester, incuding mine. I had not realised that the links to Unsuggester's unsuggestions were durable, so you may see the Marx ones here, and Lady Chatterley's here.
Technorati Tags: ladychatterlyslover, librarything, marx